Víctor M. Feliz
Víctor M. Feliz
Alba Meijide
Alba Meijide
AI Consultant & PM
  • Azken Muga Auditorium
  • Saturday - 13:30
  • Spanish (simultaneous interpretation)
  • artificial intelligence
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In the world of artificial intelligence, the spotlight has lately been on systems capable of generating creative content. Tools for image, audio and even video generation have dominated the attention of the general public and professionals, implying that these tools are coming as a replacement for artists. However, while generative AI remains a central topic, we aim to shift the focus to other revolutionary and promising uses of artificial intelligence.

In this conference, we will look at the progress and future of lesser-known but extremely important applications of AI that improve the work and increase the productivity of artists. From everyday denoising to pixel-perfect animated mask creation, essential techniques for producing accurate and detailed visual effects, to data augmentation and auxiliary data generation, we will explore how these tools can transform the creative industry.

We will review how these applications complement creative capabilities in a different way, opening up new possibilities and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence. Join us and discover how artificial intelligence is transforming content creation and taking our creativity and productivity to new levels.

Víctor M. Feliz

After working as head of R&D and head of production at Carintia, the largest infoarchitecture company in Spain at the time, in 2008 he co-founded Motiva, where he continues to lead research and development. At Motiva, he has received several international nominations and awards for his projects and software developments. Throughout his career, he has created innovative technologies used by renowned companies such as Airbus, BMW Designworks and Ikea, and has completed numerous projects for high-profile clients such as Dassault Systemes, BNP Paribas, TheFoundry, Acciona and the Spanish Armed Forces.

Since 2012, he has been developing crowd Anima software for Axyz Design, a world leader in 3D character digitisation. After the acquisition of Axyz Design by Chaos Group, he became a consultant for Chaos Group. In addition, since 2017, he has been an external consultant to Epic Games, a company recognised for its leadership in 3D visualization technology, making him a trusted consultant to two of the three largest companies in the industry internationally.

In 2022 he founded THE4DSCANNER (www.the4dscanner.com), assuming the position of CEO. Today, this company is an international benchmark in the volumetric video sector.

Alba Meijide

Alba Meijide, holds a degree in Artificial Intelligence from The University of Manchester, where she later completed her studies with a Master of Engineering in AI.

She develops her professional activity as a consultant and designer of projects based on Artificial Intelligence, for both national and international companies in a wide variety of sectors such as medicine and health sciences, visual effects, animation, tourism and the legal field, among others. She has extensive experience in Computer Vision projects with companies such as ILUX Visual Technologies or El Ranchito, and she is currently an AI consultant for Illusorium Studios, developing innovative solutions that enhance the efficiency and creativity of the studio.

These projects were combined in recent months with the position of Exhibition Manager of the exhibition AI: More than Human in A Coruña, an unprecedented exhibition of the creative and scientific developments of Artificial Intelligence.