The short film Landmark is the debut of the architectural communication studio Beauty and The Bit in the world of animation in 2018. Always interested in showing the cinematic side of architecture, the short film was very well welcomed, not only in this area, but also in the cinema, VFX and arts sectors, becoming a milestone on the way of describing a building and an environment.
After the success of Landmark comes Rebirth, an animation that introduces photorealism within Unreal Engine, a project in which Víctor Bonafonte has been the Art Director, adding his vision and aesthetics to the emotional journey that this piece means.
After seven years, it is obvious that Beauty and The Bit is not exclusively an architectural illustration studio, but it is located at the intersection of architecture, cinema, VFX and videogames. Join us to participate in this trip from Landmark to Rebirth. Because showing architecture can also be cinema.
Víctor is an architect, CEO and Art Director at Beauty and The Bit.
He began his career as a full-time architect, but was soon inevitably attracted to the beauty of the images and its ability to narrate a project and tell a story. His works are characterized by the continuous fusion between architectural illustration and his main artistic influences, such as film, painting and photography. This becomes clear in Landmark and Rebirth, two of his last works.
Beauty and The Bit is a creative collective based in Madrid that has achieved international recognition through its architectural stories made images for the leading architecture studios in the world.